Free Local Delivery
We provide free local delivery to all customers within a 10-mile radius of the pharmacy.

Free Delivery at your convenience
Health Journey Pharmacy offers free local delivery to all customers within a 10-mile radius of the pharmacy. This service is available for all prescriptions regardless of cost. This service is also available for over-the-counter products that meet a $35 minimum purchase price. Note there is not a minimum over-the-counter purchase required if a prescription is being delivered at the same time.
How Free Local Delivery works
- To receive free local delivery, simply place your order online or by phone and advise you would like delivery.
- For same day delivery request orders must be received by 1:00pm. Orders received after 1:00pm may be picked up from the pharmacy or delivered on the next business day.
- An adult must be available to sign for all deliveries. Please contact us for delivery options such as delivery to a business.
Benefits of Free Local Delivery
There are many benefits to using Health Journey Pharmacy’s free local delivery service, including:
- Convenience: You can save time and gas by having your medications and other items delivered directly to your home or office.
- Peace of mind: You can rest assured that your medications will be delivered to you in a timely manner, even if you are unable to pick them up yourself.
- Adherence: You do not have to miss a dose of medication simply because you could not pick it up the day it was ordered.